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  • Writer's pictureDr Steve Jang

Smile Is Your Greatest Happiness: Treat It With Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of Dentist that focuses its vision on the aesthetic problems of teeth and smile through the search for aesthetic harmony, using art and science based on certain visual parameters such as:

· The visual perception of the smile,

· Balance or alignment of its components

· The alteration of the Smile

Officially, there are no Dentist Frisco TX specialized in cosmetics since there is still no branch of dental studies focused on cosmetics.

Cosmetic dentistry improves your smile

However, there are many dentists who have decided to specialize on their own in these types of treatments and have made their experience in cosmetic dentistry their best value to their patients. In the dental clinics they have several dentists with an important training and experience in cosmetic treatments behind them.

Any of their patients can check it by looking at the previous and subsequent photos of the treatments that other people have done with them. In addition, thanks to their policy of keeping their dental team up to date with all the latest dentistry, their dentists regularly attend conferences, courses and programs on the latest developments in aesthetic treatments.

Aesthetic dentistry treatments

Dentists specialized in aesthetic dentistry can carry out an infinite number of treatments that improve the appearance of your smile. Many of these techniques not only help enhance the aesthetic but also improve the functionality of your smile. The most common aesthetic dentistry treatments are:

· Teeth whitening: the treatment for whiter, more radiant teeth is probably the most sought after procedure in cosmetic dentistry. Teeth Whitening Frisco treatment is completed in a single visit and gets good results.

· Dental veneers: dental veneers are thin layers made in a personalized way with composite or porcelain that are placed on the anterior teeth to modify the shape and colour of the teeth. In addition, they can cover spaces between the teeth, mask cracks and breaks or lengthen the teeth.

· Dental implants: beyond recovering the functionality of the smile, they are undoubtedly a treatment that clearly improves the aesthetics of the smile.

· Crown lengthening: excess or lack of gums is also aspects that clearly affect the aesthetics of the smile. With crown lengthening and other gingival treatments, these drawbacks can be improved.

· Aesthetic fillings: the old silver amalgams can be replaced by a safer option for health and at the same time more aesthetic: composite fillings.

Dental cosmetic treatments can:

· Alter the size, shape and alignment of some teeth

· Fill the unattractive spaces between the teeth.

· Improve or correct bites.

· Clarify or darken the colour of the teeth.

· Repair of deteriorated, broken, cracked or fractured teeth.

· Replace lost teeth.

· Replace old and unattractive dental treatments.

In the last decade the interest in cosmetic dentistry has increased dramatically. You are all aware that having a healthy, bright and beautiful smile enhances your appearance and allows you to smile with confidence. Thanks to advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, Dental Implants Frisco is able to improve your teeth and smiles with fast, painless and surprisingly affordable treatments.

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