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  • Writer's pictureDr Steve Jang

The Restoration of Teeth with Dental Implants

The missing teeth can become a serious health issue in due course of time, if unattended. The jawbone of the respective tooth develops decay when the tooth went missing. The people having missing teeth are more prone to dental diseases that cause more tooth loss. Dental implants are the best solution to resolve the issue of missing teeth.

What Are The Dental Implants?

It is a tiny titanium post that is placed by surgical means directly into the jawbone of the tooth. This helps to recreate the root structure of the missed tooth. It is further attached to a series of dental prosthetics like the crown and a full denture. This synthetic root is the specialty of the dental implant. This provides your new teeth great stability and further prevents the deterioration of the jaw. It takes 2 to 6 months to heal depending on the case. The clients can get their teeth replaced after the complete healing. The entire treatment is undertaken efficiently at Dental Implants Frisco TX. These implants are very durable and the best alternative remedy for the missing teeth.

Most Vital Advantages Of Dental Implants

Here are some of the most significant benefits of dental implants that are available in Frisco.

Total Tooth Replacement – The dental implants replace the root and the crown of the lost tooth, unlike other tooth replacements where only partial part of the missing tooth is replaced.

Durability – These implants last for a lifetime. The restorations of the artificial teeth can be retained for more than a decade and even longer.

Natural Function And Look – These dental implants are very strong and provide clients with a natural feeling while eating. You can enjoy your food much better after implantation. Their appearance is quite natural that you never feel about the missing teeth.

Damage Reduction To Other Teeth – There will be no need to alter or modify the next teeth with extraction.

The Conditions For The Dental Implants

The dental implants are the most suitable treatment whether your loss of teeth is single or multiple. The Dentist Frisco TX manages it efficiently to restore your smile and self-confidence. If one single tooth is missing, then one single implant is provided by competent dental professionals. If the tooth loss is multiple, an implant-based bridge is a perfect solution. If the clients are missing all the teeth, then a denture of strategically placed implants replace the entire arch of the teeth. This can be either permanently fixed or can be replaceable.

Why Opt For Dental Implants?

Even though the dentures are very less expensive and one of the most common options for the missing teeth, they cause discomfort and maintenance difficulties. These dentures may cause even sores in the mouth. It is necessary to remove them during the night and many other hassles are faced by the people. So, the dental implants by the Dentist 75024 are the best alternative option for missing teeth.

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